Sunfowl, a flower duck!

Home - Birding

Do you like round fluffy things? I have many round fluffy things to show! Birds are my target on most trips, but I take pictures of all sorts of things - I have many pictures of other animals, especially bugs, and you'll also see the occasional landscape photo. Due to Neocities' storage limits, I can only upload the best on here, but if you catch me on a Discord server you may be lucky enough to see my full collections.

Tip: These pictures are preserved in their highest quality! Right click on them to view them in their own tab and zoom in on the details.

10/11/2021: Plum Island

4/20/2022: Perkins Pier

5/21/2022: Mount Auburn Cemetery

7/16/2022: Norumbega Reservoir

8/14/2022: Highlander Trail

11/2/2022: Perkins Trail

5/11/2023: Birch State Park

5/12/2023: Everglades National Park

7/5/2023: Mount Auburn Cemetery

8/24/2023: Norumbega Reservoir

3/12/2024: Wakodahatchee Wetlands

3/13/2023: Pompano Beach


Life List

    1-57 in no particular order, because that's before I started writing down the dates...
  1. Canada Goose
  2. Mallard
  3. Common Merganser
  4. Wild Turkey
  5. Rock Pigeon
  6. Mourning Dove
  7. American Oystercatcher
  8. Killdeer
  9. Sanderling
  10. Dunlin
  11. Laughing Gull
  12. Ring-billed Gull
  13. Herring Gull
  14. Great Black-backed Gull
  15. Gull-billed Tern
  16. Double-crested Cormorant
  17. American White Pelican
  18. Great Blue Heron
  19. Great Egret
  20. Snowy Egret
  21. Green Heron
  22. White Ibis
  23. Turkey Vulture
  24. Bald Eagle
  25. Great Horned Owl
  26. Red-bellied Woodpecker
  27. Downy Woodpecker
  28. Pileated Woodpecker
  29. Northern Flicker
  30. Eastern Phoebe
  31. Blue Jay
  32. American Crow
  33. Common Raven
  34. Black-capped Chickadee
  35. Tufted Titmouse
  36. Tree Swallow
  37. Barn Swallow
  38. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  39. White-breasted Nuthatch
  40. Brown Creeper
  41. Carolina Wren
  42. Gray Catbird
  43. Northern Mockingbird
  44. Eastern Bluebird
  45. American Robin
  46. Cedar Waxwing
  47. House Sparrow
  48. House Finch
  49. Pine Siskin
  50. Chipping Sparrow
  51. Song Sparrow
  52. Eastern Towhee
  53. Red-winged Blackbird
  54. Brown-headed Cowbird
  55. Common Grackle
  56. Northern Cardinal
  57. Indigo Bunting
  58. From here on out, all new birds I see are logged in order of when I saw them!
  59. Boat-tailed Grackle - 5/8/2023
  60. Muscovy Duck - 5/9/2023
  61. Fish Crow - 5/12/2023
  62. Swallow-tailed Kite - 5/12/2023
  63. Anhinga - 5/12/2023
  64. Chimney Swift - 6/15/2023
  65. Yellow Warbler - 6/15/2023
  66. House Wren - 7/5/2023
  67. Broad-winged Hawk - 8/17/2023
  68. Baltimore Oriole - 8/23/2023
  69. Wood Stork - 3/12/2024
  70. Blue-winged Teal - 3/12/2024
  71. Glossy Ibis - 3/12/2024
  72. Tricolored Heron - 3/12/2024
  73. Common Gallinule - 3/12/2024
  74. Palm Warbler - 3/12/2024
  75. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck - 3/12/2024
  76. Gray-headed Swamphen - 3/12/2024
  77. Solitary Sandpiper - 3/12/2024
  78. Brown Pelican - 3/13/2024
  79. Royal Tern - 3/13/2024
  80. White-throated Sparrow - 5/4/2024
  81. Great Crested Flycatcher - 5/7/2024